"Working together to make everything better"

Safeguarding and Family Support

" I would like to thank Wirral Hospitals' School for giving me back my Daughter". (Parent quote).

Safeguarding and family support is led by Jackie McArdle, who has a wealth of experience in supporting students and their families. We are also lucky to have a range of skills from within the team, all of whom are assigned specific roles and/or year groups to support.

Ofsted 2014: ' The majority of students have significantly improved their attendance in comparison to the level of attendance at their previous school'.

The team bring a wealth of experience to the role of supporting pupils and families at JPC, consisting of :

Jackie McArdle - Safeguarding Lead, Family Support and Attendance

Carol Bimpson - Learning Mentor for Blue House

Helen Marshall - Learning Mentor for Green House

Terence Lewis - Learning Beyond the Classroom Coordinator

We provide a non-judgemental, wrap-around outreach approach to supporting families and individuals at JPC. We have a wide knowledge of what services are available across the Wirral.

Our main aim is to break down the barriers that prevent students accessing their education. We pride ourselves on our ‘outstanding’ home-school links.

The role of the team includes monitoring closely, and supporting, whole-school and individual attendance to school, access to education, personal and family support, and transition into and out of JPC.

Our Learning Mentors are also available to help support students individually and in small-group settings so they can succeed in school and access the curriculum. They help by working with students to overcome any difficulties, both emotional and academic, that are affecting their school work. 

The team also take responsibility for preparing for, servicing and following up meetings such as CAF / TAF / Child Protection, Child Looked After etc, representing the Headteacher at such meetings. 

Jackie and the mentors work closely with the LA ESW Service, CAMHS, Social Care, Parent Partnership groups, TOG and many other multi-agency organisations - acting as advocates and advisers to the whole family and ensuring the best 'joined-up' service possible for our young people. 

"The school is not recognised enough for the development it makes for families". (Parent quote).

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