"Working together to make everything better"

Parent Support and Partnership

“Excellent environment for my daughter to thrive in” Parent’s Quote

The creation of a small parent/carers room near the front entrance has enhanced the facilities we offer to parents/carers when they come into school to meet with staff or in being able to stay within the building whilst their child is educated. The room has a small sofa, bookshelf with a selection of titles, kettle, fridge and water fountain. Parents are able to stay for a few minutes, while their child settles into the school day, or for the whole day, if necessary. 

Parents are encouraged to share in the education process and close liaison is maintained with all appropriate agencies at all times. Any parent or professional who wishes to obtain any additional information is encouraged to make an appointment with the Headteacher.

Any parent/carer not wishing to allow his/her son/daughter to take part in RE or Sex and Relationships Education lessons can make such a view known to the Headteacher and alternative arrangements may be made.

Wirral Hospitals’ School conforms to the Wirral Authority safeguarding framework on promoting the welfare of our pupils. This document is endorsed by the Wirral Local Safeguarding Children Board (WLSCB). The school is renowned for its high standards in safeguarding.

Parents/carers can obtain information on any policy by contacting school and requesting a copy to be sent to them.

Wirral Hospitals' School has a designated team offering Safeguarding and family support. In addition to their direct work with students, their role is to provide parents with an immediate and direct contact with school. They maintain close links with other agencies to offer ongoing support to pupils and their families through the extended services scheme. Please click on the link at the bottom of this page for information about Wirral's Local Offer website for parents of children with special needs and/or disabilities. 

OFSTED said "Parents and carers were overwhelmingly positive in their praise of school, what it does for the children and what it does for the support of them"


Please click on this link, or the one at the bottom of this page, for information about Wirral's Local Offer website for parents of children with special needs and/or disabilities and on this link for Wirral LA's SENDSTART team info, which is for students with an EHCP, or those who may require one. 


Useful weblinks:

BRANCH - This is THE go to place for all young people and families for help with emotional wellbeing


NHS: This May Help - Brilliant new NHS website with videos, resources and information on how to support your child


FAMILY TOOLBOX - Wirral's one stop website for advice on how to support your child on a range of issues

Kooth - online counselling service

Autism Together


CEOP (Child Exploitation Online Protection Centre)

Cerebral Palsy Support for Families

National Autistic Society

My World

Network Autism


NHS - Every Mind Matters

NHS - Personal health budgets for people with a learning disability or autism or both

NHS - Personal Health Budgets YouTube Clip

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