"Working together to make everything better"

Arrowe Park Hospital, Childrens' Ward








Based on Ward 52, the Childrens' Ward of Arrowe Park Hospital, teachers deliver education each morning of the week during term-time. The ward is made up of general medical and surgical beds.Out of necessity, most of the teaching is carried out one-to-one at the bedside.

The support students receive helps their emotional and mental wellbeing, as it provides the familiar routine of school and is a distraction from being in hospital, with all the associated stress and anxiety; it breaks up a very long day. The education for very short-stay students is aimed at promoting positive mental health rather than progress and attainment. Most importantly, it allows for continuing education. Close links with Wirral schools ensures that students are provided with work similar to that being completed by their peers who are still in school. 

Hospital Education minimises the impact of the illness on their educational progress and achievement and reduces anxiety in young people regarding work they might be missing at school. This anxiety is particularly intense in Year 10 / 11 students, who have coursework deadlines and examinations coming up. Anxiety at this level in some chronic conditions can slow recovery, healing, and can delay discharge. For longer-stay patients, we keep close contact with the young person's school, encouraging them to deliver the work they are missing. Where necessary, examinations and assessments (e.g. GCSEs) can be carried out on the ward - if this is deemed appropriate by the Headteacher, consultant and mainstream school and desired by the student and their parent / carer. 

The majority of students return immediately from the ward to their mainstream school after their stay in hospital. However, those who are discharged, but are unable to attend school, may be referred by their consultant to the Local Authority Home Education Service for continuing education.